Monday, October 10, 2011

Great News - Pickleball added to NSGA Summer Games

A message from Nancy Jordan
(and a special Thank You to Chris Thomas, Regional Ambassador,Western Region and his group for their help in making this happen)

"I had two different NSGA staff confirm ( while I was in Rochester NY for the Winter Games) that I could announce that pickleball has been added to the 2013 NSGA summer games in Cleveland, OH as a regular sport not a demonstration sport.

Qualifications will take place from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2012. They will take the first four places in each event. No skill level events only age groupings. Players must qualify at a designated affiliate of NSGA.  In most cases, it is the state senior olympics event.

You must be 50 or more in 2012 to qualify for these games.We will put out more info as it becomes available."

Nancy Jordan

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