Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Jaffe’s Jewish Jive: How I Got Pickled

Published June 15, 2016 -

Being one to stay fit and well read on topics of senior fitness, I wondered what all the fuss was about pickleball. I read that The Villages community in central Florida has 162 pickleball courts and a line to play starting in the early morning.

A combination of tennis, badminton and ping-pong,
pickleball started in Seattle in 1965. It’s a game for all ages; thus, it’s not so senior-oriented. You have to have quick reflexes and be able to move about the court.

Linda Cahn, an ex-tennis jock, said: “It’s a misnomer that Pickleball is for older people. I get a good workout, and it’s quick, quick, quick — and more fun than yoga.”

The serving is easy. The court is smaller than a tennis court, and you have to wait for a bounce before charging the net.

Learning about five basic rules is a priority and is not difficult. I was told about “the kitchen area,” a sometimes forbidden, lined-off rectangle close to the net. (I wonder if that term originated from men who want to stay out of the kitchen and not do dirty dishes.)

CLICK HERE to read more.

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