
Saturday, October 15, 2016

‘Cool’ pickelball now played at Genesis Center (FL)

Published October 13, 2016 -

LAKE PLACID –– The game called pickleball has swept the country. It’s a game often referred to as a mix of tennis, ping pong and badminton. It’s most popular with seniors, as it is easier on the knees and ankles compared to tennis.

Until recently, if you live in Highlands County you could only find outside courts and usually had to play early morning or evening to avoid the heat.

That all changed in mid July when First Presbyterian Church in Lake Placid opened its new Genesis Center to pickleball players. Making it even more attractive is Lake Placid residents no longer have to travel miles to find a court. And the biggest plus: It’s inside and air conditioned.

Sam Klatt, who manages the center, was approached by former tennis player Bill Putmam, along with Sam Lindskoog and his wife, Cindy.

“We sat down and worked out a plan to bring the sport to town,” said Klatt. “We hold many youth activities at the center, namely basketball and volleyball. We wanted to find a sport to serve the seniors. We purchased the nets, balls and paddles. Now we have 20 folks coming each week.” The players rotate so all get a chance to play.

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