
Monday, July 28, 2014

Pickleball popularity on the rise in Delray Beach

Published July 23, 2014 -
Pictured from right, Pickleball ambassador Josh Kalin preparing to serve as Merrill Beveridge gets ready to return. Pickelball a game that combines the sports of badminton, racquetball and tennis has caught on at Pompey Park and Delray Beach Community Center. (David DiPino, photo/david dipino / July 23, 2014)

The Picklelball craze combining the best of badminton, racquetball and tennis is becoming popular for residents of all ages and abilities at Pompey Park Recreation Center and Delray Beach Community Center.

The game can be played indoors or outdoors and is traditionally played on a badminton size court with a net similar to what's found in tennis but lowered to just under 3 feet. Pickleball players use a wooden paddle or hard plastic paddle to hit a ball similar to a plastic wiffle ball, serve underhand and allow the ball to bounce once on the opposing player's side before being returned.

"The Pickleball at Pompey Park is great because it's social open play matching up players of all skill levels," said Delray Beach resident and Pickleball aficionado Merrill Beveridge."We have four courts of games playing simultaneously."

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