
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Regional Goal

To: All Ambassadors in the Atlantic South Region
From: Howie Thompson, Regional Director

There are programs that I want to present to the National USAPA. However, with Registration to the National being somewhere around 30-40% in our Region and even lower in some cases, I would find it hard to ask for anything with that kind of participation. If you truly love this sport, then it is imperative that you support your National Association.

So, today, I am setting a goal of 80% of all of your current members who play be registered with USAPA. Is it a mandate? No! Is it a request? Yes! And this request is vital for our strength and unity. Especially in people 40 and younger. That does not mean that we ignore the older generation amongst us.

If you care about Pickleball, and if you want this great sport of ours to grow and flourish, then I would ask you to make this priority one. More members means more money, and more money means more equipment, more clinics and a growth in this game like no other. I am challenging each and every Ambassador to reach and exceed this goal. It starts with one new person each day and it grows to 10 or more each day by the time you reach your goal.

I would like a report from each Ambassador as to the current level of USAPA registration in your area. I will take all of this and post each states current level of registration. Each month you will send a report to Marsha, who will post your successes on the Regional Website.

This is a challenge for sure, and I know that you love this sport enough to step up to the challenge and make this happen. We will see great things when we reach a Regional goal of 80%. This is not easy, if it were, everyone would be an Ambassador. You are special because of what you do. I know I can count on you and I know we can make this happen.

"We climb a mountain one step at a time." Sir Edmond Hillary

Thank you for all you do.


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