
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Some GREAT Pickleball Growth in Cary, NC and surrounding areas!!

Submitted by
Mike Walsh,
Ambassador, Cary, NC

February was a short month, but I do have several Pickleball events to report:

(1) The Briarcreek subdivision held their 2nd Friday night pizza/pickleball event, thanks to the efforts of Tricia Tumminello. They had a good turnout with several "new to pickleball" players. They held a 5-game round robin competition, ending with a 'Kings and Queens" final. The group has scheduled similar functions for March 23rd, April 13th, and May 11th.

 (2) Today I received a call back from the Raleigh-Wake Senior Games co-coordinator, indicating that he has scheduled me to lead a demo event on May 3rd from 12 noon until 2 PM. That should be a good launch for Pickleball to be scheduled in subsequent senior game competitions.

(3) On March 31st, our Cary group will host our first non-sanctioned tournament. This mixed doubles event is for the purpose of both skill development and expanding our knowledge of tournament planning and hosting. If all goes well, we will likely schedule a sanctioned tournament in the Fall.

(4) The homeowners board of the Weatherstone sub-division has endorsed Pickleball, and asked me to lead a demo event scheduled on their tennis courts on March 24th at 1PM.

 (5) Luis Vasquez  ( our newly appointed ambassador) has been spearheading the introduction of Pickleball at the Harrison Grande apartment/condo complex. He taped a court for outdoor play and has hosted introductory games, as well as passed out flyers to a high percentage of the residents.

My wife Lyn and I were in Florida for the month, so these next items pertain to our Pickleball activities there:
6) While playing at the Bonita Springs Community center, I informed Barb Wolf, a new player, that USAPA has ambassadors who are willing to help start Pickleball. Subsequently, she made contact with the ambassador in her area and will be starting Pickleball play in South Bend, IN, when she returns home.

(7) At the request of Bud Standler (Pres. of the homeowners board) and Pat Bradford (a Rochester mixed doubles silver medal winner), we staged a demo clinic at the Bridgewater Bay condo complex in Naples. Bud had constructed a court and he and Pat had several other members of their community there to learn and play.

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