
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pickleball in Corporate America - UPDATE

Last month we featured a story that took Ft.Myers Ambassadors Cindy Eddleman and Nancy Myer to Flint, Michigan where they were invited to introduce pickleball to the IT Department of Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy as part of an Employee Team Building program.

Here is an update on the success of that program from the Becky Foerster, the company's Wellness Coordinator.

"Good afternoon Nancy and Cindy!

I hope all is well in your “sunny” part of the world. I wanted to give you an update…

Since your arrival to Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy in December, 2011 for the IT Team Building event Diplomat employees have found a new craze! I can hear the volleying from the atrium off and on all day! Employees bring in a change of shoes, gather some co-workers and rejuvenate during a quick game of Pickleball on their lunches and breaks.

Employee Quick Clinics are still taking place two evenings a week, with league play right around the corner. Your two day clinic was so well received. You brought your passion for life, health, fitness, and team spirit. Everyone left knowing one another a bit more than when they started. The round robin tournament was the perfect way for co-workers to interact and compete. Some employees who would have otherwise kept to themselves, got on the court, and showed their competitive edge. Others who lead, found themselves on the same playing field learning something new. Either way, individuals found ways to work together.

 Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy is embracing a culture of wellness and life balance. Pickleball brings a little balance to the workday. Thank you!"

Becky Foerster
Wellness Coordinator
Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy
Keeping Patients Healthier…Longer. ®

CLICK HERE for original story

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